All About Skin

Video: A top dermatologist's acne tips

Dr. Macrene Alexiades, a board-certified dermatologist with a clinical practice on Park Avenue in New York, is recognized worldwide as an authority on dermatology, laser surgery, and cutting-edge skincare ingredients. She holds BA, MD, and PhD degrees from Harvard and is an Associate Clinical Professor at Yale.

We have been delighted to host Dr. Macrene Alexiades, one of the most well-respected dermatologists in the country, on multiple occasions for coversations about all aspects of skincare. In this video, filmed in the original Ayla studio, she discusses her top acne tips:

-Key external causes to watch out for
-How your cleanser can help
-What to look for in anti-aging treatments
-Considerations when you're choosing prescription treatments
-How to prevent acne scars

We hope you enjoy this rare opportunity to learn directly from Dr. Macrene — we adore this incredibly smart, kind, and accomplished skincare expert.

And when you're done watching, don't forget to check out our blemish-fighting best sellers listed below.


Spot & Area Treatments



About Dr. Alexiades: Macrene, who holds a BA, MD, and PhD from Harvard, is a Diplomate of both the American and European Boards of Dermatology and Associate Clinical Professor at Yale University School of Medicine. She runs a dermatology, laser surgery and research center in Manhattan and a lab-based skin care research company. Dr. Alexiades has numerous publications and discoveries in the fields of basic science, dermatology and laser surgery. Her practice and academic work are focused on topical dermatologic anti-cancer and anti-aging therapies, laser technology and skin rejuvenation. Learn more about Macrene’s impressive background here.


Any topic discussed in this article is not intended as medical advice. If you have a medical concern, please check with your doctor.

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