Inside Our Brands

MyHavtorn: 2024 sea buckthorn harvest update

It’s MyHavtorn harvest time!

One of our favorite times of year is the sea buckthorn harvest in Bollebygd, Sweden, when multiple generations of the Johansson-Bäckström family gather on their farm to harvest the sweet-tart, EFA-rich berries they use in their famously soothing, nourishing MyHavtorn skincare products.

Find out what cofounders Robin and Ingrid, two of our favorite people, had to say about this year’s harvest — and why it started so early — below.

Greetings from Bollebygd and MyHavtorn Farm!

As we bring the 2024 harvest season to a close, we're thrilled to share another glimpse into life here in the Bollebygd Valley. This year, nature has been kind to our beloved Sea Buckthorn trees, blessing them with a sunny spring followed by a balanced mix of rain and sunshine throughout the summer.

However, we weren't the only ones to notice the berries. Our feathered friends, ever so clever, have discovered the rich benefits of our Sea Buckthorn berries. To protect our precious crop from these eager visitors, we began our harvest a bit earlier this year, ensuring that we gathered the berries before they could feast too much. 

We have three generations of our family helping in the harvest this year. My father, Sven-Erik, who has always been a guiding presence on the farm, took great joy in passing down his knowledge and love for the land to our two sons, Ellis and Vince, sharing stories of past harvests and teaching the boys the finer points of berry picking. 

And as we prepare for the fall, we also carry with us the joy of knowing that our family will soon grow by one more, adding yet another chapter to our story.

This season has been a true celebration of family, heritage, and the enduring connection we have with the land we cherish.

Love from Sweden,
Robin & Ingrid


We've adored this brand ever since it first hit our shelves in 2013. Check out the MyHavtorn collection here, and learn more about the development of the products they make just for us — Happy Tea and Foot Therapy — on our blog.

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